I have a number of services which I can offer you if you need some assistance that I have knowledge about.

Let’s have a look at what I have to offer:
Consulting Services
I can offer consulting services via telephone, in person, or via email.
I charge $100/day for consulting services. Minimum charge is 1/2 day.
Things I would be qualified to consult about:
- Relocation Consultant
- Living in the Philippines
- Moving to the Philippines
- Philippine Culture
- Searching for land, a house or apartment.
- Marriage and Relationships with Filipinas
On-site Services
If you have a need to get something done in the Philippines, I can take care of it for you in most cases. If you are outside the country, but need to accomplish something in the Philippines, let me know, and I can take care of it in a profession, business-like manner.
My fee for services like this would be that you will pay my travel expenses, hotel, food and incidental expenses while I am on the road, plus $150 per day for my time.
Investigative Services
Do you have a need to have something or someone in the Philippines checked out? Our company, Pointman PI can take care of a job like that for you. We have investigated many cases over the years, and can do it in a discreet fashion for you.
If you have a Filipina girlfriend, it would be a wise idea to check her out and make sure she is sincere, and not playing games with you before you travel half way around the world and find out that she has been dishonest with you. We can check her out in a discreet manner, where she will not know that she is being observed at all. If you have specific needs in regards to such an investigation, just let us know.
If you are involved in a business deal with a Philippine Company, again, we can check them out and make sure they are on the level with you, and not just trying to separate you from your money. Let us look into the business before you make a commitment to them.
Gift Services
We operate a number of websites dedicated to sending Gifts to your loved ones (or those that you hope will become loved ones!) in the Philippines.
WowPhilippines – A gift portal for sending gifts to anybody, anywhere in the Philippines. We deliver to any address in the Philippines. Deliveries in most metro areas can be completed in one day (sometimes less!). Deliveries out in the Province can take 1 to 3 days. You can always bet, though, that we will provide you with World Class Customer Service. That’s not just what we hope to do – that is our job! Owned by Bob & Feyma Martin for nearly a decade already!
WowDavao Gift Portal – Similar to WowPhilippines, but this site is specifically for gift delivery in and around Davao City.
Wow General Santos – Again, similar to WowPhilippines and WowDavao, but this store is specifically for Gift Deliver in General Santos City.
Wow Load – Want to send load, or cellular phone credits to somebody in the Philippines? We can help you at WowLoad, part of the WowPhilippines Group of Companies. We can deliver load for any cellular network in the Philippines. Load is sent quickly, electronically to your recipient.
Mindanao Security
Are you traveling to Mindanao? Some parts of Mindanao can be dangerous, while other parts of the Island are certainly “no go” zones that you should avoid for safety reasons. Bob is a long term resident of Mindanao, and also has been a student of Mindanao for nearly 20 years now. He knows where you can go in relative safety, and where you should avoid. Bob can provide you with a security assessment of your itinerary for travel in Mindanao, if you feel such a services is warranted for your trip. The charge for this security evaluation is $29.99. Payment is accepted through Paypal. If you click on the advertisement next to this text, it will take you to Paypal to make payment, and once payment is received, Bob will contact you within 24 hours to get the details of your travel plans. A security assessment report will follow within 24 hours.
Our websites have a lot of viewers! There are literally tens of thousands of people worldwide who follow our activities and our lives in the Philippines. If you have a product of service that has any relationship to the Philippines, or to Expat life, our websites would be a perfect advertising vehicle for you!
For all of my established websites (Mindanao Magazine, Live In The Philippines Web Magazine, WowDavao) I offer graphic banner advertising (125×125 pixels) for as low as $2 per 1,000 ad views. Minimum monthly purchase is 10,000 views, or just a small investment of $20 per month. We can take on larger ad buys of up to 300,000 ad views per month (per website) if that suits your budget and/or needs. We operate our own Ad Server, and can provide you with statistics each month on how many ad views we delivered, how many clicks, or most any other information that you may require. Contact me through the contact form below and let’s talk about your advertising needs!
For my less popular websites, particularly new sites that I am just starting out, we can give you ad space at a huge savings as a Charter Advertiser, and we will “grandfather” you in so that your rates will remain lower than our regular sales price if you sign on as a Charter Advertiser while the site is still in it’s infancy. Contact me for more details.
Free Advice and Information
In addition to these paid services, I offer a lot of free information for you to use at absolutely no charge! Here is a list of my free resources at your disposal, remember, Google is your friend, and you can search for the information you need on any of my sites:
Live In the Philippines Web Magazine – More than 1,700 articles on the site, a wealth of free information!
Mindanao Magazine – A wealth of knowledge and information about Mindanao. Here, you will find more than 7,000 articles full of free information about Mindanao! There is no better resource about the Island of Mindanao.
Feyma Martin – This is my personal Home Page. Anything you want to know about me, you will find it free for the asking!
WowDavao – Our site that is all about Davao City. Looking for what to do and what to see in Davao? Be sure to visit WowDavao!
If you are interested in any of these services, contact me through the form below.