I wrote an article two weeks ago about these kids that came to our house. They live not too far from us. They just came by our house to asked to see if they could get some empty bottles from our garbage can. But my kids can’t resist on giving them food. My kids can tell that these kids have not eaten their breakfast yet. So they let them in and let them eat.
My kids and Arnie and Irish have been friends ever since. We kind of liked those girls too. They are well behave even with the life they have. I’m sure they were really having a hard time going around the neighborhood with empty stomachs. My kids invited them to come to the house everyday, that’s before the school started. But when the school started they’ve been coming here during weekends. My kids still continue on gathering all our empty bottles here at our house for them. Whenever they come here to our house Bob and I also spend time with them outside on our porch talking. Mostly after lunch. That’s also almost always the time that the ice cream man passes by our neighborhood. Not always we would buy ice cream. But with the girls at our house we gotta have that ice cream guy stop at our house. If you could see the faces of those girls when seeing the ice cream guy at our driveway “its totally priceless.” They really could not stop smiling. Even the ever reserved Arnie starts to talk and smiling.
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Last weekend the girls swung by at the house. We were with them at the porch. Bob was asking them if they had breakfast already. The little one said no and Arnie said yes. We knew that they did not have breakfast yet. We noticed that something was wrong with Arnie. My niece Bebe asked her what’s bothering her because she seems so quiet and not at ease. Bob was also asking her if there is something wrong, she said no, but I told Bob somethings off with her. Since our people were still preparing our breakfast, Bob told Jared to get some crackers and drink and to gave to them. Irish really did attack the crackers. While Arnie was just playing with it and just not in the mood to eat. Bob then asked Arnie what’s wrong? You are not hungry? Irish might eat that crackers of yours. She then gave a smile and said sje really had a bad toothache. Just then we realized that’s why shes quiet. I asked her when that toothache started, she said since yesterday. We all look in pain too for her. Bob asked if she could take some medication? You know the bigger kind, if she gag or something. She said she can take medication with no problem. Bob then asked me to called up our dentist that we know, and asked if it’s okay for Arnie to take the medication that we knew for toothache. When I called the dentist up, I told her whats going on. She said to bring the kids there and she will fix their teeth for free. I said then I will get a hold of the parents first before giving her medication or bringing her to the dentist. She said okay then and just let her know when we bring the kids to her office.
We sent my niece Glenda to the parents house to get a hold of the father of those kids so that we could get some consent from him for the kids to be brought to the dentist and the kids taking some tooth medication. Glenda went to the house of those kids and found out the dad was not home. He was going around somewhere gathering empty bottles too. The kids are not sure where. Arnie told us that she knows where her mother works and she could guide us to go there. That’s what we did. We did find the mom and we let her sign some papers stating that she allowed us to take the kids to the dentist and that the kids can take some tooth medication.
It was really nice of Dr. Lourdes to attend to the kids. As soon as she saw the kids at her office she immediately took care of them. The teeth of Arnie were really in bad shape. Because of the infection, Dr. Lourdes said that she will gave some medication first for the infection and Arnie will just come back in a few days for the extraction. while she took care for Irish’ teeth with filling. Irish teeth were not as bad at Arnie. Dr. Lourdes also gave some money for the girls for ice cream and their money for school (baon). Yesterday, we brought the girls back at Dr. Lourdes office. She took care of Arnie’s extraction and cleaned the teeth of Irish. We could tell that Arnie’s feeling better. She was really enjoyed playing at the house yesterday with our kids. My niece Bebe took care of cutting the hair of the girls and cleaning them. With the consent of the mother of course.
To you Dr. Lourdes, I can’t thank you enough. I am so grateful to you. You also had a big heart for the less fortunate people. Bless your heart. I’m pretty sure Arnie and Irish were so thankful that you gave them their happiness again. They are not going to be in pain for a long time. Thanks to you.
A few LiP readers unexpectedly sent some money to help the girls after my last article. Thank you so much for your help. We really appreciated so much, and you can bet that Arnie and Irish do too!